Casa do Código
With a diversified content that goes straight to the point, Casa do Code edits and develops high quality books, written by authors with experience in the subjects. Unlike traditional publishers who still resist ebooks, considering the market dangerous or small, we prioritize the digital version. You can buy the ebook and read it on any computer, as we make it available in PDF, .mobi (for Kindle) and .epub (for iPad). We don't want you stuck on any platform; we want you to learn: fast and now! Our publishing model is also new. We use a continuous integration platform, Jenkins, and, through GitHub, we receive the changes from the authors to generate the book with each new commit. That way, feedback is short and we get updates, fixes, and news that go straight to you.
Key Info
- 2012 Founded
- Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 45 Employees
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LinkedIn Verified
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