Digital Asset

Digital Asset

Current responsibilities include providing technical expertise, leading technical sales and technical relationships in APAC by driving digital transformation at some of the world’s largest enterprises, building DLT and Smart Contract based products and services to streamline business operations, enable cost savings and create revenue generating opportunities.Experienced at hands on development of POCs/Prototypes, MVPs/MVDs, live coding/demos, as well as technical programme/project management of multi-vendor projects.Lead product education and training for clients and partners across APAC and Australia, with a natural passion for helping people learn.About Digital Asset - Digital Asset is the world’s leading smart contract technology provider in the enterprise DLT space and seeks to change how businesses interact by building products leveraging the best modern infrastructure providers for regulated financial institutions such as financial market infrastructure providers, CCPs, CSDs, exchanges, banks, custodians and their market participants.

Key Info

  • 2014 Founded2014 Founded
  • 322.20M Total Funding Raised322.20M Total Funding Raised
  • 314 Employees314 Employees
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Amount Raised
Venture Round
May 27, 2022

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